It's unfortunate that many bloggers, expectially the new ones find it very difficult to make reasonable money with their blogs. Some 'know-how' but very many of them thinks that making money with a blog is something that can never be accomplished.
Many of them quit blogging because there seem to be no hope. Well; there is still hope for you to succeed as long as there is life.
Over 15 years now, blogging have been the main business for many people expectially young Americans. Mony of them do it on part-time basis while very few of them actually don’t do any other job other than just wake up in the morning, clean up the face and switch on their laptop to write some few topics, publish on their blog, and make a hell of money with it.
Most of them use Pay-Per-Click (cpc) programs which they think is the only way for them to earn money from their online content but it's just one of the best ways bloggers make money from their blog and it's part of our discussion. So today, i will like to show you some funny ways to make money from your blog. You can even make it your business or part of your life (full time). Should in case i forget, this post is not for people who want to make quick money online or want to become rich overnight. If you're the type, my advice for you is 'quit your browser now, go to your room, kneel down, pray to God and ask him to take that love of money spirit away from you'. Money is good but don't love it too much because it will terminate your life. This post is for people who want to make money legally online.
1. Join at least 3 Pay-Per-Click Programs (PPC)
Not everyboday wants to sell ebooks or earn money via affiliate programs online. Many of them wants to sit back, relax and watch magic happen. All you need to do is, create an ad unit for your site, place it on your pages and watch magic happen. To make good amount of money with this system, it's encourage to join and use at least 3 ad networks from the list below.
Here is a list of well known high paying PPC sites in the world
- ONCAS Publishers Program New but mighty and pays publishers faster (minimum of $0.2 cost per click and $50.00 minimum payout by check, paypal and wire/bank transfer and operate globally as of the time of this post)
- Google AdSense the list can't be completed without mentioning AdSense. (minimum of $0.2 per click according to them and minimum of $100.00 payout by check, paypal and wire/bank transfer and operate globally as of the time of this post)
Yahoo-Bing ad network A Yahoo ad network similar to ONCAS and Google AdSense. (minimum payout $100 by paypal and wire/back transfer and operate globally as of the time of this post)
Chitika Publishers Program One of the best ad network in the internet. (minimum payout $10 via paypal and $50 by cheque and operate globally as of the time of this post)
2. Sell eBooks, Videos etc on your blog
Make your blog a market for selling important informations. This is one and best way for every successful blogger who want to make money from his/her blog even if your blog doesn't receive enough traffics. This system should not be skiped! This is a sure way to make money online even if you don't own a website.
There are even some authors that will give you right to sell their ebooks on your blog or even on your twitter of facebook page and they pay you for commission.
As a blogger, 'All you need to do is (sell ebooks you think will be OK for your blog readers) and you are good to make your dollars for real. If you don't know anything to write in your ebook, just package great informations on 'how to do a particular thing' or you can sell them in form of videos, audio recordings or even app form. The choice is yours to deside.
3. Use Affiliate Marketing programs on your blog
This system works like PPC sites. This is also one of the best way most bloggers make money from their online contents. You sell for companies and they pay you for commission.
This is very effective way of earning cool income from your blog provided you are good in driving sales. They more you sell, the higher your earnings. When people buys their product using your referal link and your earnings reaches their minimum payout, you get paid eather by paypal, check or bank transfer. Example of these companies is Amazon . They are number 1. in the list of top and highest paying affiliate network.
4. Offer Online Services
Nobody is perfect! As a blogger, there are people who are looking to be thought of the things you offer and it's you who strive to find them. They can't just come to you and start asking you questions instead, you'll be the one to look for them.
Here are free ways to search for those people:
- Join top social networks Facebook.com, Twitter.com are one of the network or use other top social networks. Advertise yourself by telling people who you are, what you offer and try to convince them because not everybody will trust you. Show them proof of your work and let them know you're real.
- Join top forums like Nairaland.com the second largest forum in the world (as of the time of this post) or make use of this list from Wikipedia. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_forums
- Comment on top blogs. Tell people who you are and what you offer. Show them proofs and let them know you're real.
You can also use other means to advertise yourself.
5. Sponsorship Post
If you notice your blog is becoming popular and attracting many visitors, then it's time for you to propose to companies, business owners, websites etc and yes your blog readers to sponsor your blog in return for referals. This process is how so many bloggers earn money with their blog. You can set any amount you wish for sponsorship post and remember, always consider your blog traffic before giving out advert rates.
As for now, these are the best and great ways bloggers make money from their online contents. To say the truth, making money with blog these days is very hard and not like before. It takes time for new blogs to generate reasonable income and the best way a new blogger can make money with his/her blog fast is via selling ebook.
Although, there are still other legal ways bloggers generate income from there blog and if you have any, please help the new bloggers. Drop them in the comment section and your comment will be approved. And, thanks for visiting!
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